Man is staying on a top of a mountain with hands spread wide open

Why should you travel?

You may be wondering: What is the purpose of people traveling? Is it just to take a couple of weeks off? Or a change of scenery, a distraction from work and family problems? And maybe in order to spend the money collected during the year? Many people find it hard to answer this question.

But sometimes I want to change something in my life. You get bored with work, everyday life and family problems. And to figure out what exactly needs to be changed, it is difficult. And you continue to live at the usual brisk pace, changing nothing. Take your time! Think about it! Revisit some of the moments in your life. Try to answer the questions: "What am I missing? How can I be in harmony with myself? Where do I draw new emotions and inspiration from?" Not succeeding? In that case, we want to give you advice that always works.

You just need to change your usual route, getting out of the house, or going somewhere. By changing your lifestyle, even for a small period of time, you can turn it into an interesting adventure, full of surprises and pleasant experiences.

You will say, "Why travel? It's good to be home. Of course, the unknown and uncertainty scares you. Fear of something new and uncharted - it's normal for humans. But if you compare all the benefits and delights of travel with fear, it is obvious that he will lose.



Here are a number of reasons why you should travel.

  1. Broaden your horizons.

Travel gives you the opportunity to get to know the world around you better. See the beauty of nature. Get to know the traditions and customs of people in other countries. And if you're worried about the friendliness of the locals, it's in vain. The natives are very warm and very interested in travelers. They themselves are a pleasure to talk to you, even if it's just gestures and facial expressions. But most importantly, be respectful of the customs and culture of the countries where you find yourself. Don't forget that you are a guest.

  1. You will learn not to spend a lot of money on leisure

You may ask the question, "How can I afford to travel with my modest income? ". However, you don't have to waste money on travel at all. If you want to, you can spend your time much more interesting and useful than vacationing in a five-star hotel. Short backpacking trip within your country or region will give you a lot of pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Being alone with nature, breathing fresh air and admiring the surrounding scenery - it's great! You don't have to be a millionaire to do it. You can also take advantage of affordable flight offers from low-cost airlines. This is a great opportunity to travel for little money. And instead of expensive hotels, stay in budget hostels.

  1. change the way you think about traveling.

As you travel around the world and visit many countries, you'll see that it's not as dangerous as you think. Everywhere, if you want to, you can feel comfortable and cozy. Even when you're outdoors, traveling in the wilderness, you can be safe and avoid trouble. You just need to follow the simplest safety rules, and you get a lot of pleasure. In addition, in a huge city, a man is a lot more unpleasant surprises than in the woods or mountains.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone.

Before the next trip may have anxious thoughts: "What if I get lost? I won't be able to find a place to sleep? How will I communicate with the locals?" Leave all your fears and worries at home. Focus only on the good things and hit the road. Don't think that only a round-the-world cruise or a vacation by the sea in a fancy hotel will give you pleasure. Do you know your native places and their surroundings well? The nearest villages, their life and national peculiarities? Surely you can see a lot of interesting things near you, you just have to start small - get off the couch.

  1. Become more resilient.

Travel is known to make people strong and resilient. But from year to year you are going on holiday to Turkey, Egypt or Tunisia. But the impressions and emotions are the same. And if you try to plan a route with your friends and with a backpack behind you to go on a trip to Europe or to make a hike in the countryside - you will immediately notice the difference. Yes, these trips or hikes can be hard. But travelers aren't looking for physical relief. They not only train their bodies, but also rest their minds mentally.


  1. Learning to get by with just a little.

Tourists who are inexperienced try to take as much stuff on the road as possible for all occasions. But experienced travelers claim that extra things only get in the way. And indeed, on the way you will realize that a lot in your backpack is not useful to you. Only the bare minimum is necessary: two pairs of shoes, a pair of T-shirts, a raincoat, warmer clothes, personal hygiene products, documents and money.

  1. Get to know yourself better

Are you trying to find traveling companions for a fun company and you don't find them? Don't feel bad! After all, traveling alone gives you a chance to think, understand yourself, the world around you, and set goals for your life. Traveling alone is a huge opportunity to test yourself in a challenging situation where you can only count on your own strength.

  1. Feel the joy of returning.

The proverb says, "Everywhere is good, but home is better." It is true! When you return from your trip, you will be glad to see your family and friends, even your work colleagues. You'll take great joy in sharing your adventures with them. And you will also become the soul of the company, telling new and informative things.

  1. Make new friends.

It's true what they say: It's a small world. Many inhabitants of our planet, being on long travels, have changed the opinion that the Earth is immense. That's only true if you're watching a TV program about other countries. But travelers often meet their friends and make new ones even in distant countries. And it is possible that somewhere in a distant corner of the world you will meet someone from your country or even from your hometown. Or maybe you will meet one person out of a million foreigners who will change your life.

  1. Understand the difference between a tourist and a traveler

Travelers are quite different from tourists. They try to see things that other people can't. They care about exoticism, unexpected discoveries, and the peculiarities of the national culture. Their main motivation is freedom of action and deeds. They do not limit themselves in time. They are ready to hike as much as they want. Travelers develop their own route, and they can always change it if they want. Travelers, as a rule, like to get acquainted and communicate with local people, they are interested in customs, national traditions. Thus they are able to change their worldview.

Tourists buy their trips in advance in a travel agency for a certain period and to a certain place. Thus they already know, what excursions they will go on. Very rarely tourists who come to, for example, Paris, get to the narrow streets of the suburbs, small cozy cafes and stores. They already have predetermined routes: the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, and a couple of popular stores.

If you want to change your life somehow, start with at least short trips to unfamiliar cities. Try to spend as much time as possible on travel. Socialize with people and make new acquaintances.


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